ISTERI kepada pengarah filem tersohor tempatan U-Wei Saari, Diana Gail Saari, 62, ditemui mati di sebuah pantai di Alameda, California, Amerika Syarikat Jumaat lepas setelah tujuh hari dilaporkan hilang.

Wishing you a safe flight to NYC , always remember that I’m beside you no matter where you are , be safe , solat and don’t forget how bless we are because of Allah.I will cross any ocean & any obstacles with you but I won’t walk on ” Lautan Api ” with you , because with you ,I want to chase Jannah & not jahannam .Take care, InsyaAllah I’ll see you soon .. #visaOHvisa #2016InsyaAllah #blessed #myBetterhalf #flickThatWristBaby