
Ia bukan semata-mata satu kebetulan, apabila rahsia mengenai peranan Mossad dalam rampasan MH370 sudah mula meletup, apabila kedutaan dan konsulat Israel tiba-tiba ditutup disebabkan oleh kononnya "satu mogok oleh kakitangan diplomatik". Alibi ini diwujudkan bertujuan untuk menghalang agensi-agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang di seluruh Asia dan dunia Barat untuk menyoal ejen perisikan Israel dan tenteranya mengenai keberadaan dan nasib beratus-ratus penumpang MH370.
Kor diplomatik negara Yahudi itu seperti menyembunyikan kepalanya ke dalam cangkerang kura-kura, mungkin kerana terkena hentakan kuat daripada seorang wartawan penyiasatan, Christopher Bolly, yang sebelum ini telah mendedahkan tentang penglibatan tangan Israel di belakang serangan 11 September. Berdasarkan laporan saksi dari rangkaian pemerhati kapal terbang di Eropah dan Israel, Bollyn juga tekah melaporkan bahawa wujud model pengeluaran yang serupa dengan Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 sekarang tersimpan di dalam bengkel lapangan terbang Tel Aviv.
Syarikat Boeing yang berpangkalan di Seattle sentiasa memasang pesawat secara berpasangan sebagai satu amalan standardnya, tetapi persoalannya ialah bagaimana sebuah jet telah disewabeli oleh syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia manakala sebuah lagi yang hampir sama diserahkan secara rahsia kepada kerajaan Israel tanpa sebarang pesanan-belian daripada syarikat penerbangan El Al yang dikendalikan oleh negara tersebut.
Bollyn telah membongkar fakta bahawa kedua-dua jet itu telah dihantar ke sebuah syarikat pihak ketiga, yang pengurus atasannya mempunyai hubungan akrab yang cukup lama dengan George Soros.
Dari garis masa peristiwa, ia adalah jelas bahawa pemindahan pesawat dan rampasan pesawat berikutnya adalah sebahagian daripada satu strategi yang lebih besar, bertujuan untuk :
pertama, satu serangan dengan bendera palsu (false-flag) yang dirancang melibatkan pembunuhan beberapa orang rakyat Amerika (di atas pesawat) dan yang akan dipersalahkan nanti ialah kedua-dua rakyat Iran yang turut berada di dalam pesawat MH370 tersebut, bagi meminta Rumah Putih meluluskan ketetapan supaya serangan udara terhadap kemudahan nuklear dan pertahan udara Iran dapat dilakukan
kedua, kecurian terang-terangan terhadap teknologi utama yang berkaitan dengan mikrocip Kinesis Freehold Semiconductor, pengawalmikro paling kecil di dunia, untuk digunakan dalam sistem persenjataan yang akan memastikan tentera Israel sentiasa unggul selama beberapa dekad akan datang.
Umpan dan Pementik
Mengapa Israel perlu melakukan serangan bendera-palsu dengan merampas pesawat-kembar Malaysia, sedangkan satu pesawat sudah memadai untuk muslihat ini? Pesawat yang masih baik di Tel Aviv akan dipasang semula dengan pemasangan secara rahsia, avionik terkini (elektronik penerbangan, peluru DU dan bahan letupan bersuhu tinggi), namun bukti rekaan yang berasal dari Malaysia amat diperlukan bagi menyempurnakan muslihat ini. Oleh itu, tag logam dan bahagian-bahagian lain yang dikenalpasti perlu dikeluarkan daripada MH370, bersama-sama pembalut tempat duduknya, pakaian seragam anak kapalnya dan mayat kedua-dua rakyat Iran, yang dibekukan di rumah mayat. Penipuan ini akan menjadi lengkap apabila jenama pesawat Malaysia digantikan dengan pelekat El Al.
Rencana kulit majalah TIME dan New York Times akan terbang semudah pesawat jet yang ditawan, menerbitkan tajuk seperti "Perampas Iran menawan kru pesawat dan menerbangkan jet ke lapangan tentera di Iran. Kemudian Pengawal Revolusi memuatkan pesawat dengan tong-tong minyak untuk satu misi bunuh diri terhadap orang awam yang tidak bersalah dan ahli Kongres kita di Washington DC. Kita meratapi kehilangan Capitol dan Rumah Putih dengan api yang marak menyala yang memusnahkan separuh daripada ibukota yang kita cintai ini, tetapi kita akan menghadapi masa depan dengan penuh keberanian dan akan memberi keadilan terhadap yang negara pengganas tersebut. Paksi Jahat itu akan berkongsi nasib bersama rakannya . Sekarang, daripada Superdome, mari kita dengar dendangan Lady Gaga menyanyikan Star-Spangled Banner."
Itulah diantara kata-kata semangat yang mampu memukau purata rakyat Amerika untuk keluar daripada sikap anti-perang mereka. Ya, propaganda direka bagi santapan si tolol.
Boeing Melangkah: Kita Tahu Mengapa Kita Di sini
Moto Boeing begitu secocok dengan MH370. Tiada pengeluar pesawat lain (jika dibandngkan dengan McDonnel Douglas sebagai contoh atau Hughes yang telah lama menghilang) lebih dekat dengan perkhidmatan perisikan Amerika Syarikat. Lebih daripada sekadar sebuah syarikat perniagaan, Boeing sebenarnya adalah sebuah entiti dengan rangkaian kemudahan yang luas di sekitar Seattle dan di setiap lapangan terbang utama di seluruh dunia. Yang kurang diketahui ialah adalah hubungannya dengan syarikat penerbangan tak ternama yang beroperasi di pulau-pulau terpencil, di mana menjadi rutin bagi mencari anggota badan manusia yang terpotong terapung di dalam Puget Sound. Syarikat itu melayan semua kehendak pelanggan-pelanggannyya, keinginan dan fantasi paling liar, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam ungkapannya yang terdahulu: Sempadan Baru Selamanya (Forever New Frontiers)
Salah satu rekaan barunya adalah pemanduan tanpa juruterbang (remote piloting) untuk pesawat awam, ia berdasarkan kepada teknologi peperangan "drone", yang dibangunkan Boeing dari prototaip yang direka di Israel. Pasangan kembar 777 Malaysia dan Israel adalah dari edisi baru, dan oleh itu ia mampu terbang tanpa wayar.
Sambung baca terjemahan artikel Yoichi Shimatsu di Kelab GB di sini.
Artikel Asal:
Role Of Israel & Soros Exposed By MH370 Twin Jet In Tel Aviv
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to Rense.com
BANGKOK - It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel's embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a "strike by diplomatic staff". This fork-tongued alibi was obviously meant to prevent law enforcement agencies across Asia and the Western world from questioning Israeli intelligence agents and military attaches about the whereabouts and fate of the hundreds of passengers.
The Jewish state's diplomatic corps has retreated further into a tortoise shell, perhaps because of the hammer blow from investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn, who previously exposed Israel's hand behind the 911 attacks. Based on eyewitness reports from a network of plane watchers in Europe and in Israel, Bollyn reports that an identical production model of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 is being kept out of regular service inside a hangar at Tel Aviv Airport.
Seattle-based Boeing assembles aircraft in pairs as its standard practice, but the question is how one jet was leased by Malaysia's national carrier while the matching plane was secretly turned over to the Israeli government without a purchase order from state-run El Al airlines.
Bollyn uncovered the fact that the two jets were delivered to a third-party company, whose top manager has a longtime connection with the George Soros. From the timeline of events, it is obvious that the plane transfers and subsequent electronic hijacking were part of a larger strategy, which was aimed at:
first, a planned alse-flag attack involving mass murder of American citizens to be blamed on the two Iranians aboard MH370, in order to prompt the White House to order air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities and air defenses; and
second, the blatant theft of key technology related to Freehold Semiconductor's Kinesis microchip, the world's tiniest microcontroller, for use in miniature weapons systems that will ensure Israeli military supremacy for decades to come.
Bait and Swtich
Why do the Israeli false flaggers need to hijack the Malaysian sister-plane, when just one plane will suffice for the ruse? The mint-condition jet in Tel Aviv would be refitted with Stealth cloaking, state-of-air avionics (aviation electronics, DU-tipped munitions and high-temperature explosives, but fake evidence of Malaysian origins are needed to complete the ruse. Therefore, identifying metal tags and other identifying parts have to be removed from MH370, along with seat covers, crew uniforms and the bodies of the two Iranians, to be frozen in a morgue. The deception would, be complete with the transfer of the stripped Malaysian jet to El Al.
The cover story for TIME and the New York Times would fly as easily as a captured jetliner, running something like "The Iranian hijackers overcame the crew and flew the jet into a military airfield in Iran. Then the Revolutionary Guards loaded the plane with gasoline drums for a suicide mission against innocent civilians and our congressmen in Washington DC. We mourn the loss of the Capitol and the White House in the intense blaze that destroyed half of our beloved capital, but we face the future with courage and will deliver justice against that terrorist state. The last of the Axis of Evil will share the fate of its erstwhile partners. Now, from the Superdome, let's hear Lady Gaga sing the Star-Spangled Banner." Those are fighting words that can snap average Americans out of their antiwar malaise. Yes, propaganda is made for consumption by fools.
Going Boeing: We Know Why We're Here
Boeing's motto is precision perfect when it comes to MH370. No other aircraft manufacturer (think of McDonnel Douglas, for example, or long-gone Hughes) is closer to the US intelligence services. More than a business corporation, Boeing is a state unto itself, with a vast network of facilities around Seattle and at every major airport around the globe. Less visible are its connections with obscure airlines operating in remote islands, where it is routine to find amputated limbs of human-sacrifice victims floating into Puget Sound. The company provides for all of its powerful customers needs, desires and wildest fantasies, as expressed in its older slogan: Forever New Frontiers.
One of those frontiers is remote piloting of civilian aircraft, based on drone warfare technology, which Boeing developed from prototypes designed in Israel. The pair of 777s for Malaysia and Israel are new editions, and therefore rigged to fly by wireless.
Boeing delivered the twin jets to a middleman in October 2013, who delivered one to Malaysian Airlines in November. The timing coincides with the appointment of Joanne Magruire, a veteran Lockheed Martin Space Division executive, to the board of directors of Freescale Semiconductors, whose Kuala Lumpur staffers involved in the design of the Kinesis KL02 microchip were aboard MH370. The plan went like clockwork.
Who is Abdol Moabery?
The twin Boeing jets were sold to GA Telesis, an aircraft leasing and servicing company, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The owner of GAT is Abdol Moabery, the son of Iranian immigrants in the posh Woodlawn Hills suburb of Los Angeles.
Before and after September 2001, Moabery was executive manager of Skywatch, a company that supplied monitoring devices for the rooftops of office towers. The electronic device can spot as many as 300 flying objects in one sweep and single out the one flying toward the targeted property. Handy indeed to welcome your boss on the helipad in Manhattan and also to direct his pilot toward the right building.
One of the partners in Skywatch was New York City Mayor Rudolf Guiliani, who claimed his interest was solely in its potential application to monitor US borders against illegal immigrants. One immigrant who slipped past the Skywatch net was Mohamad Atta. Despite or perhaps because of Skywatch, the two jetliners flew into the Towers like Robin Hood's arrows.
Six months after 911, Moabery left Skywatch to start up GA Telesis in Florida, a state then governed by fellow Republican Jeb Bush and where 911 suspects had extensive flight training.
Prior his term at Skywatch, Moabery served in the US Navy and then worked in executive positions for two Soros-owned aviation companies, Aviation Systems International and C-S Aviation. C-S stands for Chatterjee-Soros. Purnenda Chatterjee is a former Stanford Research Institute and McKinsey partner, whose Chatterjee Group funneled investment funds into West Bengal on behalf of his mentor Soros. In 2011, investors in North Carolina filed charges against Soros and his protege for fraud and embezzlement, an won the initial case by arguing that Soros concealed his ownership of the bankrupt company. Soros is not the Midas he pretends to be, often escaping out the back door leaving behind angry investors.
Moabery takes an interest in homeless children as founder of the charity called Kids in Distress.
Lord of the Skies and Depths
The Boeing corporate vice-president for Southeast Asia is Ralph "Skip" Boyce, the former US ambassador to Jakarta and Bangkok. The prize job came as reward for his past services to Boeing, black operations and the pedophile network. After his retirement from government service, Skip didn't break his stride:
-Boyce had just sold dozens of Boeing civilian aircraft to a new airline controlled by the Indonesian military just before the "accidental" crash of a demonstration model of a lower-cost Sukhoi Super 100 passenger plane for inexplicable reasons into a mountain after takeoff from the joint U.S.-Indonesian Halim Air Force Base.
Some background on the business-savvy man from Boeing:
- Boyce was on duty during the Bali bombing. Then editor of Jakarta Post Robert Finnegan, a retired Marine and founder of the 5th Estate news site, found evidence of high explosives and nuclear materials at the bomb site, which pointed to a US intelligence role in the killing of Australians undercover agents and Indonesian civilians. The ambassador in response arranged his removal from his editorship.
- Ambassador "Boyz" was the de facto dean of American envoys in Southeast Asia when anti-pedophile activist Sean Parlaman jumped off his apartment balcony in Pattaya, Thailand, according to local police on the pedophile payroll. His protection of high-ranking pedophiles in the State Department and Congress coincided with the discovery of the skeletons of 500 Indonesian boys inside a cave in Bali and intimidation of a Cambodian orphanage as a recruiting ground for sex slaves whose average age was 10 years old.
Boeing is certainly out there on the frontiers.
Dolphins at Diego Garcia
Instead of flying to Iran immediately, MH370 presumably landed at the gateway to the Persian Gulf, Diego Garcia, the presumption being based on eyewitness accounts in nearly Maldives of a low-flying plane on descent toward that destination.
On the surface and from satellite images, Diego Garcia seems a barren atoll. That's because most of the US Navy and Air Force bases are underground inside vast bunkers installed a decade ago. The island, part of the British-owned Chagos archipelago south of India, later made headlines as the storage site for hundreds of bunker-buster JDAM bombs for a joint Israel-US airstrike against Iran's nuclear facilities and air defenses.
The Israeli military and intelligence presence on Diego Garcia is so massive that long-distance phone operators offer a special discount card for calls to Israel. The Israeli Navy's nuclear-missile capable Dolphin submarines refuel and are serviced at Diego Garcia, saving the time and expense of going to Elat on the Red Sea.
An IDF Dolphin sub from Diego Garcia sank the South Korean frigate Choenan. The Dolphin crew, panicked by the unscheduled voyage, fired a smart torpedo at the frigate. On the following two days, South Korean naval divers rescued several Caucasians, including two drowning victims, from a sunken submarine. That Dolphin submarine, based at an underwater base south of Inchon, was later replaced with an IDF order for a new sub from HDW Germany. Cannon fire from the Choenan's sister ship had hit the Dolphin after it sank the Choenan, following delivered nuclear-weapons material to the North Korean military.
Israel is neck-deep in intrigue across Asia, including nuclear deals with North Korea and Japan. As mentioned earlier in this series on MH370, Israeli-linked agents including Google and Facebook have monitored email servers across Southeast Asia and hacked into computers of Palestinian supporters.
The role of Israeli intelligence assets inside Muslim-dominated Malaysia is a long-running issue that involves strings of stay-behind agents left by the British colonial authority. These underground networks are descended from two strands of Jewish administrators and merchants in colonial Malaya. First are those who have origins in the Ottoman empire and migrated under Britain's favorable policy toward the Donmeh Jews (hidden Jews inside the Islamic community across the Arab realm, Turkey and Iran) during the Ataturk period. Second are Baghdadi Jews involved in the opium trade. More recent recruits are ordinary bureaucrats and military officers who are in need of a handful of shekels to pay their gambling debts.
The spotting of increasing amounts of flotsam and jetsam off the Australian coast are meant to throw public attention off track. In actual flotation situations, there would be less debris with each passing day, as seats become waterlogged and life jackets deflate. Obviously, submarines from Diego Garcia are jettisoning pieces of aircraft through their missile hatches with blasts of compressed air. Bodies can be frozen in morgues with life jackets to be partially opened before dispatching them out the torpedo tubes.
Soros Gets More Than a Pound
The Malaysian jetliner, and its hidden sibling in Tel Aviv, are the instruments that should have guaranteed Zionist supremacy over the global economic and political order throughout this century. Instead, their grandiose design is collapsing under its own fabrications and delusions, as Israeli envoys scurry into the shadows like rats under spotlights. The FBI and Interpol have a monumental task ahead. Crush Israeli terrorist apparatus and hunt down their cells until world civilization is safe again.
"Thieves, murderers and liars" are mere words that can hardly describe the crafty criminality of the Israeli spy chiefs. But what about their paymaster, what does Soros get out of the deal? For one thing, the Mossad turns over the Kinesis microchip technology as thanks for his patriotism. Chips aside, what Soros really, really wants is the satisfaction of payback against Malaysia. Few things are more important than money, and that short list includes revenge.
The Hungarian Jew tycoon, who bought US citizenship after defrauding the Bank of England, has a die-hard grudge against Malaysia. During his cunning attempt to wreck the currencies of Southeast Asian, with the hidden agenda of buying assets and property on the cheap, Soros was slammed down by Malaysia's then Prime Minister Muhammad Mahathir, who imposed a currency board to stop capital flight. That was back in 2008. (The Zionist-influenced Western media and Wall Street bankers quickly denounced Mahathir as "anti-semitic", forgetting out of their dismal cultural ignorance that an Asian Muslim cannot be such since fellow believers across the Arab world are more Semitic than European Jews.)
If revenge is a dish best served cold, Soros has ice in his veins and waited till his dying days to gouge out a pound of flesh from Malaysia's body politick.
At the risk of sounding as soft as Lady Portia with her aristocratic Venetian accent, let me suggest that the world community is to be governed with compassion for the poor and genuine democracy, and not by a top-down global order imposed with violence and greed from a self-appointed religious minority. So as the noose tightens on that little rogue state that would be king of our planet, let us mourn the victims of Flight 370 as much as we grieved over those who died inside the World Trade Center. Such bloodthirsty evil should never be allowed to strike again.
Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor with the Japan Times group in Tokyo, is a Hong Kong-based science writer.

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