Wednesday, 4 January 2012


UPSI Safwan Anang Pembohong - Keterangan Dari Doktor Yang Dirahsiakan Identiti?

Safwan Anang yang sebelum ini dilaporkan dipukul sehingga 'nazak' oleh pihak polis mendakwa dirinya mengalami patah rusuk. Semalam Haprakah Daily lidah rasmi PAS turut melaporkan pembohongan tersebut walaupun mereka tiada sebarang keterangan laporan kesihatan dari hospital.

Blogger M.i.M yang juga seorang doktor turut melaporkan dalam entri beliau semalam bahawa laporan oleh lidah rasmi PAS itu menimbulkan keraguan. [KLIK SINI]

Peguam Safwan Anang juga semalam mengaku bahawa beliau belum menerima apa-apa laporan kesihatan dari pihak hospital :

"Jika merujuk kepada Malaysian Insider, peguam Safwan Anang mengatakan bahawa pihaknya kini masih lagibelum memperoleh sebarang laporan kesihatan daripada Hospital Hospital Slim River!"
Sekejap tadi saya menerima satu emel yang mendakwa beliau merupakan kakitangan Hospital Slim River yang menerima pesakit pada malam tersebut. Walaubagaimana pun beliau mahu identitinya dirahsiakan -

Emel yang dihantar kepada saya menerangkan secara terperinci keadaan Safwan Anang ketika dibawa ke Hospital Slim River untuk menerima rawatan :

Muhamad safwan anang was brought to hospital slim river following the allaged scuffle with the police during demostration at UPSI. He claimed sustaining loss of conciousness (LOC) during that event. He however, was fully concious upon arrival at Hospital Slim River. 
Physical Examination showed that he sustained small abrasion over his lower inner lips and soft tissues injury over his chest. . Chest x-ray did not show any rib fractures or pneumothorax. 
There was no internal injury. He had an old cheekbone  fracture. During his hospital stay for more than 24 hours, he was very stable, he can talk, can eat normally, he did not exhibit any symtoms or signs of head injury and was discharged home this afternoon. 
Allegation that he was punched twice on the face,kicked on his chest was baseless as there were no evidence of such pattern of injuries. However, such pattern of injuries as sustained by him may be contributed to fall and can occur during scuffling. 
The news that he comatose or had life threatening injury as a result of the schuffled was a total lie. If somebody comatose, he definetely will not be left on the streacher alone and addmitted to the general ward. 
If he comatose, he will require assisted ventilation to support his breathing and placed in the intensive care unit. Furthermore, he will not be discharged the next day.

The other guy (Ammar) sustained linear laceration above the nasal bridge and required suturing to close his wound. This pattern of injury consistent with the injury caused by sharp objects.
No evidence that he was punched or injury caused by blunt objects. He received outpatient treatment and was subsequently discharged home.
Kesimpulannya adalah kecederaan Ammar disebabkan objek tajam mungkin berpunca daripada serpihan kaca pintu yang dilanggar sehingga pecah oleh mereka sendiri.

Yang keduanya Safwan Anang mendakwa dirinya pengsan ketika dibawa ke hospital merupakan satu fitnah.

Mereka ini sudah dilatih dan diajar untuk melakonkan watak-watak sebegini semata-mata meraih simpati politik daripada mahasiswa dan rakyat Malaysia.



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